Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Digital Imaging - LA8 Web Image Formats

A modified Lake Margaret scene,
with text as wide as the borders and in a better location.
I have selected a theme "Lake Margaret"
for this assessment depecting a 'Green Lifestyle'.
These photos were taken on a much enjoyed special site visit.

Digital Imaging - LA11 Shooting Motion

Thanks to Chris, he made me look at this again
and I think it's awesome!
Better looking motion blur.
Using GIMP I have blurred the background
and kept the original motion picture of the 4WD.
After many attempts,
the best blurred background picture of a ball in the air.
My camera's best effort (fstop 5.8) of a moving car/truck,
with a slightly blurred background.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Digital Imaging LA4 Cropping An Image

Design Assessment - Promote Your Blog

My revised 'Promote Your Blog'
showing correct flow, consistent style and shading of buttons
and a more happier looking frog.
I have decided to design an advertisement promoting my blog page.
I have created a button for the word 'click' but have said to click on the frog
(not sure if it works) but the site is promoted at the bottom of the log.
Also I have used the Blogger colours for the word 'Blog'.

Design LA13 Poster Design - Revision

Revised poster showing more emotion in the word 'Worry' and eliminating
the diagonal style.  Also the word 'shadow' showing a shadow rather than a reflection.